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Links to online legal news and information regarding Massachusetts legal issues, laws and info from sources around the U.S. and the world.

Code of Massachusetts Regulations - (CMR), new MA administrative agency regulations, MA executive branch documents and MA Attorney General opinions.

Immigration Law Portal - immigration portal, huge resource website -- 25,000+ pages of immigration law related material; visas, greencard and citizenship, lawyers, etc. For content issues and advertising in Immigration Daily, write to For all other issues, including our seminars and client referral services, write to

Landlaw, Inc. - Massachusetts-based legal-publishing company focusing primarily on administrative law. Our areas of concentration include civil rights, civil service, environmental protection, labor relations, land use, special education, and zoning. - Legal Dictionary - Online version of 'The Real Life Dictionary of the Law'.

Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly - source of legal information for practicing attorneys.

NOLO - online legal information, legal encyclopedia and dictionary with 'plain text' description.

Online Legal Marketing Ltd - Information about class action lawsuits, current cases and class action settlements and verdicts. Online forms for case evaluation and litigant registration for open class actions.

Reading Legal Citations - reasearch guide from Boston College (, details how to decypher legal citations.

Seckler Legal Consulting - legal recruiting, career counseling, career resources.

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