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Find online legal resources, databases and directories of Massachusetts related information.

183rd MA General Court, Members - searchable list of Massachusetts State Representatives and State Senators, phone, fax, email, address info, etc.

FindLaw - Division of West Group - search for laws, cases, forms, legal subject specific articles, large amount of free public access information with subscription fee based access to other areas of site.

Informus - online (pay) subscription searchable database system for criminal, worker's compensation, and other information for employers to perform online background checks by social security number. Call for toll free customer service at 800-962-2091.

Law Office of Deborah L. Gold-Alexander - offers the high caliber and quality of Boston based attorneys without the need to commute to their office or pay their high prices.

Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School - massive collection of searchable laws, codes, acts, legislation and other law and legal related inforamtion.

Lovenberg & Associates - Whether it involves getting fully-valued compensation for an injury, resolving an emotionally charged divorce, putting your affairs in order or defending you in a civil or criminal matter, having the undivided attention to your personal matter is what matters most. Contact us today for a free consultation.

MA - Division of Professional Licensure - search license database of Massachusetts professionals. Search by by type of profession, license number, business name, location or personal information. Get current, expired or renew license status. Discipline actions for 1993-present. Cross refernce other licenses for an individual or business. Glossary of License Status Codes, meanings and enforcement process info.

Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine - click "Physician Profile" for searchable online database of malpractice, criminal and discipline actions and information for any licensed / registered Massachusetts Physician. Good for quick search if you are in doubt about a Mass doctor, or for locating a physician by speciality or town. There are also other online services and forms related to the Board and registration.

Thomas - Library of Congress - searchable database of Congressional Bills, summary, status info, Titles, links to Cong. Record voting pages, related committees, documents, amendments, other bill details. Search by subject, sponsor, text of legislation, etc.

United States Code - The Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U.S. House of Representatives prepares and publishes the United States Code pursuant to section 285b of title 2 of the Code. The Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States.

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