Find a court reporter or reporting service in Massachusetts.
All Write Transcription & Reporting Services - over 20 years experience providing court reporting and transcription service for the medical, legal and insurance sectors. Also provides tape transcription and video services. Next Day Service available.
Boston Court Reporters - Boston-based court reporting firm, serving primarily legal and corporate clients. Services include: e-reporting, e-transcripts, process serving, interpretation, video services, video conferencing, presentation services, case management and conference room rental. Expedited transcripts available (as fast as requested!). Deposition suites available. See website for details or immediate service. URL: www.bostonreporters.com Phone: 1-800-850-5258
Cape Cod Court Reporting - Computer-Aided Transcription by Stenovations ™. Condensed transcripts and keyword indexing (no charge to taking attorney). Video Depositions. Ascii Disks, upon request, (no charge to taking attorney). Notary Public (Massachusetts / Maine). On-Call 24 hours. 10-day transcript delivery. Expedited delivery, upon request.
Carol A. Fierimonte, Certified Court Reporter - Over 27 years' experience, national and MA state certification. Realtime, expedited, technical, medical. Commonwealth of Massachusetts approved vendor.
Catuogno Court Reporting Services - Spacious conference rooms, Photocopy and fax machines, Data lines for your modem, Speaker phones, Sten-Tel Transcription Service, Video Conference between Springfield, Boston & Worcester locations - Attached to national video conference network. Depositions, trials, arbitrations, Board meetings and special hearings, Videotaping and playback, Timestamping of transcripts, exhibit and blueprint copying, Daily copy/expedited service, Interactive realtime, Same-day diskette, Condensed transcripts, Keyword indexes, ASCII diskettes, e-mail service, e-transcripts with security access codes, New! Global keyword indexes to link all depositions in one case.
Copley Court Reporting , Inc. - Our court reporters use state-of-the-art technology. Copley's court reporters are certified by the Massachusetts Court Reporters Association. All court reporters are proficient in real-time transcription. Our court reporters are experienced in the most complex litigation matters. Electronic transfer of transcripts anywhere. Transcripts are stored on disks for immediate retrieval.
Doris O. Wong Associates, Inc. - Court reporter in Boston for over 30 years. Expedited Delivery, Interactive Realtime using CaseView, LiveNote, Summation. Expert Medical /Technical Testimony. All types of litigation; Patent Infringement /Anti-Trust, Insurance, Securities, Environmental, Labor. Hearings /Arbitrations, Sworn Statements /Interviews, Large Volume Litigation, Videotaped Depositions. Services include: (3) Complimentary Deposition Suites, elecommunications /E-Mail via the Internet, Timestamped Transcripts, ASCII, WordPerfect, Min-U-Script with Word Index, Min-U-Script with Master Word Index, e-transcript, HTML, AMICUS, Discovery ZX, Case Transcript Manager, Permanently Archived Transcripts. Call Toll Free: 1-800-546-WONG (9664).
G & M Court Reporters and Associates - certified merit writers, registered professional reporters, LiveNote and CaseView, rough ASCII's, CLVS, certified videographers, tape transcription. Call Toll Free (800) 655-3663.
Mary K. Corcoran - stenographic court reporter with 16 years of experience in depositions, hearings, arbitrations, meetings, medical and expert witnesses. Providing electronic transcripts, minuscripts, expedites. Reasonable rates and friendly service.
McLaughlin & Associates - Over 30 years' experience in all phases of litigation, with an emphasis on expert witness testimony. Realtime capability and fast turnaround.
O'Brien & Levine, Court Reporting Services - traditional deposition, multimedia technology - synchronized transcript-to-video deposition on CD-ROM, telephone conference depositions and video teleconferencing.
Reporters, Inc. - experience with high-profile, Federal Grand Jury reporting. High-tech, medical, admirality, and other complex matters. FDIC vendor of choice. Commonwealth approved vendor.
Robert H. Lange Co. - owned and operated by Loretta Hennessey, Registered Merit Reporter and Certified Realtime Reporter. Staff of independent court reporters, most with over twenty years of court-reporting experience, who have extensive experience in various aspects of the court-reporting field, including maritime law, patent law, medical and technical work, LiveNote, Summation, rough-edit ASCIIs, and daily copy. We also can provide ASCIIs in any format our clients need, including Summation, Word Perfect, RFT, Page Image and Amicus, as well as condensed transcripts with word indices and E-transcript. We are able to meet any of our clients’ video needs through our association with Certified Legal Video Specialists. Call Toll Free (800) 645-6807.
Tracy Bisaillon Court Reporting - Available 24/7 for medical, technical and legal depositions as well as arbitrations, hearings and expert witness testimony. Extensive educational background within medical and legal fields. Massachusetts Notary Public. Commissioner of Rhode Island. Commonwealth approved vendor.
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