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Law Office of Faiman & DeAngelis
300 Worcester Road (Rt. 9)
Framingham MA, 01702

Tel: (508) 879-6600
Fax: (508) 820-0430



Description: specializing in Real Estate Law, planning, zoning and land use regulations affecting properties in the Metrowest area, (primarily Framingham, Natick, Sudbury and Wellesley, Massachusetts in the Rt. 9 / Rt. 30 areas). Representing builders and developers in the acquisition of vacant land. Leases, Real Estate Finance, Title Examination, Subdivision Law, Probate, Development and Permitting and other areas of the law regarding real estate.

Keywords: framingham, real estate, lawyer, attorney, metrowest, metro west, land, develop, zoning, zone, Route 9, rt. 9, ma, mass., massachusetts

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